Ag Science

Ag Science is being introduced to Magh Ene in 2014 for 5th year

Subject Overview
Agricultural science is the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. It aims to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes concerning the factors that affect the long-term well-being of agricultural resources, and places emphasis on the managed use of these resources.

The course consists of the study of a variety of aspects of agriculture under the following headings:

•The general structure and function of plants
•Farm crops - cereal and roots •Farm crops - grassland
•Trees and shelter
•Structure and function of the animal body
•The cow, the sheep, horse, and pig
•Farm buildings (fro school assessment only)
•Farm-house environment (for school assessment only)

The examination in Agricultural Science consist of (a) a terminal examination paper and (b) an assessment of the work of the candidate during the course under the headings:

identification of plant and animal types associated with agriculture; practical experience with crops, livestock, house and farmyard layouts; investigations carried out related to ecology, soil science, animal physiology, plant physiology, genetics and microbiology.

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